Shoes for Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization. EIN: 85-1229882
Tax deduction receipts will be emailed (at year end).
"I remember the confidence a new pair of shoes gave me when I was younger, and I want to make sure kids today can experience that same feeling."
Dean is an avid shoe collector who also enjoys helping out local children in need.
Jim was not immediately available for picture day, so here is a picture of my goat named Jerry. Jim and Jerry are both very happy to help get these kids the shoes they need and want.
Funny enough, I don't even buy shoes. I wear flip-flops every day.
"We are just so excited for this opportunity to make a difference."
We have all individually been donating items to children in need for several years. We decided that shoes was something we could focus on that also makes a huge impact in the lives of the kids.
We just organized this entity in June of 2020. We have filed and received 501(c)(3) status for tax exempt purposes. Our charitable status can be looked up on IRS websites using this tax ID - EIN: 85-1229882
We promise to spend 100% of donated money on shoes. The founders pay all other expenses, like; legal, accounting, bank fees, etc. We even pay the Paypal fees back into the account. It is the only way 100% of donated money can be spent on shoes.
Copyright © 2020 Shoes for ids, Inc - All Rights Reserved.
Doug Knight,, 864-356-8424